Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

So, today is New Year's day. A day traditionally devoted to resolutions, new beginnings; a fresh start. I was pondering this idea of a "blog" several days ago. I was thinking, what in my life is so interesting that I could even start a blog. I have read several, and it seems that for some reason, we as humans are drawn to and attracted to the lives of others. I feel that I lead and live a fairly ordinary life. Some may disagree. Well many actually. I know no different. I am the wife of a wonderful man, Manny. We have been married since May 2007. Somedays it seems we have been married since 1907. Mind you not a bad thing, it's just that I can't recall ever not being with him. We have seven, yes seven, children. He had three, I had three, and then we have our lovely addition, Annalisa Faith.

Our oldest is Michael. He is 21 and a senior in college. He has planned to sit for his LSAT test this summer, and aspires to be an attorney. He plays football, loves music, plays the guitar, and used to play in a band. Then there is Steffan, 20. Anxiously awaiting his 21st birthday in February. He is a sophomore in college, and plays football as well. His life is busy consumed with school, training, and his lovely girl Liz. Our biggest problem with him is he is 6'4" and like 240 pounds and STILL GROWING!!! It is next to impossible to find pants to fit the kid!! Jacalyn is our 17 year old beauty and is a JR this year. She is a cheerleader and really wants to cheer for University of Kentucky Louisville. She is a wonderful daughter and sister and I could not be more proud of her. She still however, is a teenaged girl, and where there are teenaged girls, there is drama!! Now onto the younger group. Caleb is 14, and is my oldest biological child. He is a sweet but very opinionated kid. My mom says he is just like me, but a boy. She always warned me about payback!! She was not kidding. He dreams to be a video gaming designer one day. Joshua is 12 he is my child that has to have something to do constantly. If he gets bored, watch out! He is very athletic. Loves all sports, and is currently playing basketball. Joshua is my one child though that I said will take care of me when I am old. He is very conscientous, almost ocd about things. Our youngest son is Elijah. He is 10 and in the 5th grade. I call him the "charmer." He is the "Eddie Haskell" of our family. Elijah was diagnosed with Type I diabetes in June of 2005, just prior to his 6th birthday. He is an awesome child, and I always tell him that he is my hero! He has had a lot to deal with in his short life so far. Our baby is Annalisa Faith. She was born in July of 2007. She has brought our blended family together in way that cannot be expalined. She is a little part of each of us. She is a pistol though. I had three boys prior to having her, and let me tell you, it is a totally different ball game. In addition to all the kids, we have two dogs: Cuddles and Capone. Cuddles is a very old corgie/chow mix, and Capone is a two year old Italian Cane Corso, weighing in at a whopping 120 lbs!! Oh, I forgot to mention, the kids all live with us!!

So that's a little snapshot of our family. Thus the reason for the blog. Manny and I went to dinner the other night with my sister Lori. During the course of us attempting to get out of the house remotely on time, AFTER we had encountered pretty much disaster after disaster that day; we finally decided that we can either cry or laugh at ourselves. We decided on the latter. That day was a defining moment in our marriage.....

The night before my car once again, had a dead battery. I needed to get Joshua to basketball practice and needed my hubby to jump the car. He came out and as husbands do, they TELL us as women how to do things. I just wanted the car jumped. Didn't care how. Just do it. Apparently he did not care for my attitude toward the situation, so he proceeded to walk back into the house. I was not pleased. As you can imagine, I was pretty ticked. I was like "what are you doing, I need to take Joshua to practice." So he proceeded to ignore me and I called to make arrangements for him to be taken. Meanwhile, Manny ended up taking him in his car, and we just didn't speak to each other the rest of the night.

Fast forward to next morning. Manny gets the battery charged in the car, but he cannot get my window to go up. I forgot to mention that the passenger window got stuck the day before.
Sooo, Manny attempted to pull the window up manually, and as it goes, it shattered. He comes in to tell me, and I was pretty much like "whatever" at this point. So he takes the car to the shop to get fixed, and he leaves for a jobsite. A few hours later I get a phone call from one of the older kids stating that had to go and get dad. Apparently, he pulled his truck and trailer up to the job site dropped off the lumber, and went to have a cup of coffee inside with the client. When he first arrived, the ground was frozen, as it has been quite cold here lately. He lost track of time, went out to leave and realized it warmed up, significantly. As you can probably figure, he went to leave and the truck with the trailer were both stuck in about 2 feet of mud. He was going nowhere. So now we have a broken car and a stuck truck. Life is good. I borrow a car from my mother, continue planning to have dinner with my sister and her new man that night, and continue my day. Until....

We were all but ready to go around 6 pm. For once we were going to be on time for an engagement. We were feeling good. Time to go. But wait, the keys?? Where are they?? Now I do have a really bad habit of loosing things. Especially keys. All the time. I knew that I put the keys in a safe place. I knew that I had. I was certain. So, thirty minutes later, I was almost in tears, exasperated. I plopped myself on the toilet seat in the bathroom, not knowing where to look next. Manny says to me look, and I interrupted and said, I looked in the trash three times. They are not here. He said no, look! I turn my head, and in the wall (we have a small hole where the old toilet paper holder was) in that hole, were my keys. Our beautiful Annalisa had put them there for us!! We were on our way. Kids in the car, chicken and dumplings in the car with us in a carrier, and we off. That is until we turned the corner at the end of the street, and the chicken and dumplings went tubmling into my lap, all over my dress!! I sat speechless. All I was trying to do is go to dinner!!! That's it! Is that too much to ask?? The children sat absoultely quiet in the back seat all the way to the sitters house. They even knew I was at my whit's end. I started to cry, and then I couldn't help but just laugh!! What a day. Manny and I determined that our day sucked, but we were happy, warm, and almost dry!! Our lives are pretty good. Sometimes, ok most times, chaotic, but it is our life. Our wonderful, beautiful, chaotic life!!

There will be more to come. Maybe it will be interesting to some, maybe not. But it's real. It's our reality. Maybe we can bring a smile to another's crazy day!!!

Blessings for the New Year


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, sister! It is therapeutic, at times. I will follow yours, too! Happy New Year, friend!

  2. The blogs you produce are full of knowledge and authentic and relevant information. I like your style and it is easy to understand. Keep it up I will surely come again to increase my knowledge. Kindly write more about Cane Corso.
